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Sixteenth’s Chart 1 and 2 playalong no bass
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Identify the interval between each note. Produce a desired timbre on each note. Identify the chords played on the piano.
Here’s the song that inspired the Half Notes Etude.
The song is called Thank You Wes that I wrote in memory of my dear friend, bassist Wes Wehmiller. D Mo/piano, Will Snyder/Wes’ Tyler V bass
To download the PDF, click here. To download the MP3, click here.
From my book Instant Bass..D Mo playing with Larry Finn/drums, Dan Bodan/guitar, Malcolm Walsh/keys
same track minus bass so YOU CAN PLAY!
Download bass part below and get playing!
w/o bass
Groove with the drums. Ricochet off the upbeat to play a strong downbeat. “AND” ONE TWO THREE FOUR..The “AND” sets up a strong comfortable downbeat ONE in the first bar. Subdivide your inner rhythmic concept. Let these 8TH NOTE subdivisions (“AND” ONE “AND” TWO “AND” THREE “AND” FOUR “AND”) work for you HELPING to play comfortable accurate TIME.
To download the PDF, click here. To download the MP3, click here.
w/o bass
Wes Wehmiller's Tyler V
Hook up with the drum groove. Understand the chord progression. Get acquainted with the song form. If you play V string with a low B you can read the part as is.
If you play IV string, play the low notes in bars 22, 23, and 26 an octave higher.
Feel the drum groove while playing this etude and the notes will come out sounding righteous.
The fact that the key of F# Major has six sharps should not be a problem if you play in position and think the tonalities. Work out your fingerings and analyze the chord progression.